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PAD SIE IEW chicken met €2,00 korting
Kip met cashewnoten en gemixte groenten in pikante zoete saus + rijst
(Chicken with cashew nuts and mixed vegetables in spicy sweet sauce + rice)
(= nr. 31 with chicken)
Kip in groene curry en kokosmelk met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen, aubergine en basilicum + rijst
(Chicken in green curry and coconut milk with bamboo shoots, cut green beans, purple eggplant and basil + rice)
4 stuks kipsaté met satésaus
(4 chicken satay with satay sauce)
6 kippevleugeltjes met chilisaus
(6 chicken wings with chili sauce)
4 gebakken tofu met chilisaus
(4 fried tofu with chili sauce)
4 mini-loempia's met kipgehakt en chilisaus
(4 mini-springrolls with minced chicken and chili sauce)
4 vegetarische loempia's met chilisaus
(4 vegetarian springrolls with chili sauce)
4 platte vis koekjes met chilisaus
(4 flat fish cakes with chili sauce)
4 gebakken garnalen in tempura meel met chilisaus
(4 fried shrimps in tempura flour with chili sauce)
Heldere garnalensoep met bosui, champignons en citroensap
(Clear shrimp soup with spring onion, mushrooms and lemon juice)
(= nr. 11 with chicken)
(= nr. 11 with vegetables)
Garnalensoep met kokosmelk, champignons en citroensap
(Shrimp soup with coconut milk, mushrooms and lemon juice)
(= nr. 16 with chicken)
(= nr. 16 with vegetables)
Rundvlees salade met pepers, ui, paprika, koriander en citroen + rijst
(Beef salad with peppers, onion, paprika, coriander and lemon + rice)
Kip salade met pepers, ui, paprika, koriander en citroen + rijst
(Chicken salad with peppers, onion, paprika, coriander and lemon + rice)
Inktvis salade met pepers, ui, paprika, koriander en citroen + rijst
(Squid salad with peppers, onion, paprika, coriander and lemon + rice)
Gemixte salade met inktvis, garnalen en krabstick met pepers, tomaat, ui en citroen + rijst
(Seafood salad with squid, shrimps and crab stick with peppers, tomato, onion and lemon + rice)
Vegetarische pittige papaja salade met kouseband, tomaat, wortel, knoflook, pinda's en citroen + rijst
(Vegetarian spicy papaya salad with stringbeans, tomato, carrot, garlic, peanuts and lemon + rice)
Nr. 28c + Nr. 2 + sticky rijst
Thai stir-fried rice noodles egg broccoli with soy sauce
Thaise roergebakken rijst noedels ei broccoli met sojasaus
(= nr. 31 with chicken)
Phad Thai brede rijstnoedels met ei, taugé, tofu, rode ui, prei en gemalen pinda
(Phad Thai rice noodles with egg, bean sprouts, tofu, red onion, leek and crushed peanuts)
(= nr. 31 with beef)
(= nr. 31 with shrimps)
Chinese dunne bami met tofu, spitskool, broccoli en ei in soyasaus
(China-style thin noodles with tofu, green cabbage, broccoli and egg in soy sauce)
(= nr. 38 with pork)
(= nr. 38 with beef)
(= nr. 38 with chicken)
(= nr. 38 with shrimps)
Thaise brede rijstnoedelsoep met taugé, groente, citroensap en gemalen pinda
(Thai ricenoodle soup with beansprouts, vegetables, lemon juice and crushed peanuts)
Gebakken rijst met ei en gemixte groenten
(Fried rice with egg and mixed vegetables)
(= nr. 41 with pork)
(= nr. 41 with beef)
(= nr. 41 with chicken)
(= nr. 41 with shrimps)
Tofu met groentenmix in oestersaus of champignonsaus (maak keuze) + rijst
(Tofu with mixed vegetables in oystersauce or mushroom sauce (make a choice) + rice)
Tofu met champignons, paprika, puntpaprika en bosui + rijst
(Tofu with mushrooms, paprika, pointed paprika and spring onion + rice)
Tofu met ananas, komkommer, tomaat, paprika, ui en bosui in zoetzure saus + rijst
(Tofu with pineapple, cucumber, tomato, paprika, onion and spring onion in sweet-and-sour sauce + rice)
Tofu met kouseband, ui en basilicum + rijst
(Tofu with stringbeans, onion and basil + rice)
If we are out of stringbeans, then we use cut green beans (sperziebonen).
Tofu in groene curry en kokosmelk met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen, aubergine en basilicum + rijst
(Tofu in green curry and coconut milk with bamboo shoots, cut green beans, purple eggplant and basil + rice)
Tofu in groene curry en kokosmelk met groentenmix + rijst
(Tofu in green curry and coconut milk with vegetable mix + rice)
Glasnoedels met tofu, spitskool, bosui en wortel + rijst
(Glassnoodles with tofu, green cabbage, spring onion and carrot + rice)
Gewokte groentenmix
(Wok-fried vegetables)
Tofu in rode curry en kokosmelk met groentenmix + rijst
(Tofu in red curry and coconut milk with mixed vegetables + rice)
No coconut milk! With fish sauce!
Tofu in rode curry en vissaus met bamboe en groentenmix + rijst
(Tofu in red curry and fish sauce with bamboo and mixed vegetables + rice)
Tofu in gele curry en kokosmelk met aardappel en groentenmix + rijst
(Tofu in yellow curry and coconutmilk with potato and mixed vegetables + rice)
Kip met champignons, paprika, puntpaprika en bosui + rijst
(Chicken with mushrooms, paprika, pointed paprika and spring onion + rice)
Kip met champignons, rode ui en prei in saus op knoflookbasis + rijst
(Chicken with mushrooms, red onion and leek in garlic-based sauce + rice)
Kip met ananas, komkommer, tomaat, paprika, ui en bosui in zoetzure saus + rijst
(Chicken with pineapple, cucumber, tomato, paprika, onion and spring onion in sweet-and-sour sauce + rice)
Kip met ui, sperzieboontjes peper en basilicum + rijst
(Chicken with onion, green beans chili pepper and basil + rice)
If we are out of stringbeans, then we use cut green beans (sperziebonen).
Kip in groene curry en kokosmelk met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen, aubergine en basilicum + rijst
(Chicken in green curry and coconut milk with bamboo shoots, cut green beans, purple eggplant and basil + rice)
Kip met gemixte groenten in oestersaus + rijst
(Chicken with mixed vegetables in oyster sauce + rice)
Kip in rode curry en kokosmelk met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen en basilicum + rijst
(Chicken in red curry and coconut milk with bamboo shoots, cut green beans and basil + rice)
(= nr. 77 zonder kokosmelk, met vissaus)
(= nr. 77 without coconut milk, with fish sauce) Spicy!
Kip met cashewnoten en gemixte groenten in pikante zoete saus + rijst
(Chicken with cashew nuts and mixed vegetables in spicy sweet sauce + rice)
Kip in gele curry en kokosmelk met aardappel en ui + rijst
(Chicken in yellow curry and coconut milk with potato and onion + rice)
Kip in zoete curry en kokosmelk met paprika, sperziebonen en citroenblad + rijst
(Chicken in sweet curry and coconut milk with paprika, cut green beans and lemon leaves + rice)
Rundvlees met champignons, paprika, puntpaprika en bosui + rijst
(Beef with mushrooms, paprika, pointed paprika and spring onion + rice)
Rundvlees met knoflook, champignons, rode ui en prei + rijst
(Beef with garlic, mushrooms, red onion and leek + rice)
Rundvlees met ui, sperzieboontjes peper en basilicum + rijst
(Beef with onion, green beans chili peppers and basil + rice)
If we are out of stringbeans, then we use cut green beans (sperziebonen).
Rundvlees met ananas, komkommer, tomaat, paprika, ui en bosui in zoetzure saus + rijst
(Beef with pineapple, cucumber, tomato, paprika, onion and spring onion in sweet-and-sour sauce + rice)
Rundvlees in groene curry met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen, aubergine, basilicum en kokosmelk + rijst
(Beef in green curry with bamboo shoots, cut green beans, purple eggplant, basil and coconut milk + rice)
Rundvlees met gemixte groenten in oestersaus + rijst
(Beef with mixed vegetables in oyster sauce + rice)
Rundvlees in rode curry met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen, basilicum en kokosmelk + rijst
(Beef in red curry with bamboo shoots, cut green beans, basil and coconut milk + rice)
Zonder kokosmelk! No coconut milk!
Rundvlees in pittige rode curry en vissaus met bamboe, sperziebonen en basilicum + rijst
(Beef in spicy red curry and fish sauce with bamboo, cut green beans and basil + rice)
Rundvlees in zoete curry met paprika, sperziebonen, citroenblad en kokosmelk + rijst
(Beef in sweet curry with paprika, cut green beans, lemon leaves and coconut milk + rice)
Rundvlees in donkere curry met aardappel, pinda's, ui, ananas en kokosmelk + rijst
(Beef in dark curry with potato, peanuts, onion, pineapple and coconut milk + rice)
Garnalen met champignons, paprika, puntpaprika en bosui + rijst
(Shrimps with mushrooms, paprika, pointed paprika and spring onion + rice)
Garnalen met gemixte groenten in oestersaus + rijst
(Shrimps with mixed vegetables in oystersauce + rice)
Garnalen met knoflook, champignons, rode ui en prei + rijst
(Shrimps with garlic, mushrooms, red onion and leek + rice)
Garnalen met ananas, komkommer, tomaat, paprika, ui en bosui in zoetzure saus + rijst
(Shrimps with pineapple, cucumber, tomato, paprika, onion and spring onion in sweet-and-sour sauce + rice)
Garnalen met ui, sperzieboontjes peper en basilicum + rijst
(Shrimps with onion, green beans chili peppers and basil + rice)
If we are out of stringbeans, then we use cut green beans (sperziebonen).
Garnalen in groene curry en kokosmelk met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen, aubergine en basilicum + rijst
(Shrimps in green curry and coconut milk with bamboo shoots, cut green beans, purple eggplant and basil + rice)
Garnalen in rode curry en kokosmelk met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen en basilicum + rijst
(Shrimps in red curry and coconut milk with bamboo shoots, cut green beans and basil + rice)
Garnalen in gele curry en kokosmelk met aardappel en ui + rijst
(Shrimps in yellow curry and coconut milk with potato and onion + rice)
Zonder kokosmelk! No coconut milk!
Garnalen in gele currypoeder met gemixte groenten + rijst
(Shrimps in yellow curry powder with mixed vegetables + rice)
Varkensvlees met champignons, paprika, puntpaprika en bosui + rijst
(Pork with mushrooms, paprika, pointed paprika, onion and spring onion + rice)
Varkensvlees met knoflook, champignons, rode ui en prei + rijst
(Pork with garlic, mushrooms, red onion and leek + rice)
Varkensvlees met ananas, komkommer, tomaat, paprika, ui en bosui in zoetzure saus + rijst
(Pork with pineapple, cucumber, tomato, paprika, onion and spring onion in sweet-and-sour sauce + rice)
Varkensvlees met ui, sperzieboontjes peper en basilicum + rijst
(Pork with onion, green beans chili peppers and basil + rice)
If we are out of stringbeans, then we use cut green beans (sperziebonen).
(= 54 with crispy pork)
Varkensvlees met gemixte groenten in oestersaus + rijst
(Pork with mixed vegetables in oyster sauce + rice)
Varkensvlees in zoete curry en kokosmelk met paprika, sperziebonen en citroenblad + rijst
(Pork in sweet curry and coconut milk with paprika, cut green beans and lemon leaves + rice)
Varkensvlees in groene curry en kokosmelk met bamboe, sperziebonen, aubergine en basilicum + rijst
(Pork in green curry and coconut milk with bamboo, cut green beans, purple eggplant and basil + rice)
Zonder kokosmelk! No coconut milk!
Varkensvlees in pittige rode curry met bamboe, sperziebonen en basilicum + rijst
(Pork in spicy red curry with bamboo, cut green beans and basil + rice)
Vis met knoflook, champignons, rode ui en prei + rijst
(Fish with garlic, mushrooms, red onion and leek + rice)
Vis met ananas, komkommer, tomaat, paprika, ui en bosui in zoetzure saus + rijst
(Fish with pineapple, cucumber, tomato, paprika, onion and spring onion in sweet-and-sour sauce + rice)
Vis met ui, sperzieboontjes peper en basilicum + rijst
(Fish with onion, green beans chili peppers and basil + rice)
If we are out of stringbeans, then we use cut green beans (sperziebonen).
Vis in rode curry en kokosmelk met sperziebonen en champignons + rijst
(Fish in red curry and coconut milk with cut green beans and mushrooms + rice)
Vis met gemixte groenten in oestersaus + rijst
(Fish with mixed vegetables in oyster sauce + rice)
(Preparation time 30 minutes!)
Hele witte dorade vis met gemixte groenten + rijst
(one whole white sea bream fish with mixed vegetables + rice)
Inktvis met champignons, paprika, puntpaprika en bosui + rijst
(Squid with mushrooms, paprika, pointed paprika and spring onion + rice)
Inktvis met knoflook, champignons, rode ui en prei + rijst
(Squid with garlic, mushrooms, red onion and leek + rice)
Inktvis met ui, sperzieboontjes peper en basilicum + rijst
(Squid with onion, green beans chili peppers and basil + rice)
If we are out of stringbeans, then we use cut green beans (sperziebonen).
Inktvis met gemixte groenten in oestersaus + rijst
(Squid with mixed vegetables in oystersauce + rice)
No coconut milk! With fish sauce!
Inktvis in rode curry en vissaus met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen en basilicum + rijst
(Squid in red curry and fish sauce with bamboo shoots, cut green beans and basil + rice)
Eend in rode curry en kokosmelk met bamboescheuten, sperziebonen, paprika, ananas en basilicum + rijst
(Duck in red curry and coconut milk with bamboo shoots, cut green beans, paprika, pineapple and basil + rice)
Eend met ananas, komkommer, tomaat, paprika, ui en bosui in zoetzure saus + rijst
(Duck with pineapple, cucumber, tomato, paprika, onion and spring onion in sweet-and-sour sauce + rice)
Geroosterde eend met ui, sperzieboontjes peper en basilicum + rijst
(Roasted duck with onion, green beans chili peppers and basil + rice)
If we are out of stringbeans, then we use cut green beans (sperziebonen).
Eend met knoflook, champignons, rode ui en prei + rijst
(Duck with garlic, mushrooms, red onion and leek + rice)
(Extra white rice)
(Extra fried rice)
(Extra fried noodles)
(Fried egg)
Pittige cassave kroepoek 200 gr.
(Spicy cassava crisps 200 gr.)
(Cashew nuts)
(Satay sauce)
(Thai sweet-sour chili sauce - big cup)
(Thai fish sauce with chili peppers - small cup)
Gewokte groentenmix
(Wok-fried vegetables)
Marinated sticky rice with coconut milk and mango
(Thai banana dessert in sweet warm coconut milk)
(Thai banana dessert in sweet warm coconut milk)
Alcoholvrije drank. 330 ml
Kip met champignons, rode ui en prei in saus op knoflookbasis + rijst
(Chicken with mushrooms, red onion and leek in garlic-based sauce + rice)
--- from 15.75 for 13.75---
Vis met ananas en gemixte groenten in zoetzure saus + rijst
(Fish with pineapple and mixed vegetables in sweet-and-sour sauce + rice)
—- from € 17.25 for € 15.75 —-
Tofu met champignons, paprika, puntpaprika en bosui + rijst
(Tofu with mushrooms, paprika, pointed paprika and spring onion + rice)
—- from € 13..75for € 12.75 —-
Tofu, ananas en groentenmix in zoet-zure saus + rijst
(Tofu, pineapple and mixed vegetables in sweet-sour sauce + rice)
Tofu in groene curry en kokosmelk met groentenmix + rijst
(Tofu in green curry and coconut milk with vegetable mix + rice)
Gewokte groentenmix
(Wok-fried vegetables)
4 stuks kipsaté + satésaus
(4 chicken satay + satay sauce)
6 kippevleugeltjes met chilisaus
(6 chicken wings with chili sauce)
4 vegetarische mini-loempia's + chilisaus
(4 vegetarian mini-springrolls + chili sauce)
4 gebakken garnalen in tempura meel + chilisaus
(4 fried shrimps in tempura flour + chili saus)
4 ronde platte vis-kip koekjes + chilisaus
(4 flat fish-chicken cakes + chili sauce)
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